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Contents, Chapter A, Chapter B, Chapter D, Chapter E, Epilogue
C. Hellenochristianism S.A. (construction company for non-existent civilisations)
1. "Christianity is the continuation of Hellenism" What does the term "hellenochristianic civilisation" mean? Union of the national tradition with the internationalism of christianity? Let it be…but in this case there must also be a Germanochristianic, British-christianic, Russian-christianic, French-christianic etc. civilisation. And of course with the same logic there must be Aegyptoislamic, Persoislamic, Iraqislamic etc. civilisation. If we use the sophism of christians propagandists for Aegypt then we must reach the mad conclusion that Islam in Aegypt is the continuity of the civilisation of the... Pharaos!! Even more, that the catholic christian church is the continuity of the civilization of the Maya and Aztecs in South America. Only the totally uneducated or the big deceivers would say such arguments except if they live in the roman country-isc of Helladistan. So they can infect society with their ideological pollution without punishment. So, christianity is the continuance of Hellenism? Yes, ok, let us assume that the "christian civilisation" is the continuity of the Hellenic. But for a civilisation to exist there needs to be a language and a nation. Is there a christian language and a christian nation? Here the various acrobat christians like Plevres and Georgalas remain undisturbed. While they cry out that there is no indoeuropean civilisation because there is no indoeuropean nation nor indoeuropean language, in the subject of christianity they copy the indoeuropologists. Byzantinolaters like mr. Plevres use the scientific data (anthropological, archaeological etc.) to prove that there has never been an indoeuropean civilization and accuse mr. Babiniotes for his sophisms and tricks about the indoeuropean nation, language, civilisation. Well these very same byzantinolaters use exactly the same lies with the indoeuropologists to prove the supposed existence of …hellenochristianic civilization. They abandon all scientific conclusions and use the same and better tricks to prove the existence of the non-existent “hellenochristianic” civilisation. But to have a “hellenochristianic” civilization, then there must be also a hellenochristianic language and a hellenochristianic race. And such a thing does not exist. If each internationalistic construction like christianity created civilization wherever it was enforced, then we would also have Russian-communist, French-socialist, British-capitalist and Aegyptoislamic civilizations. Internationalistic dogmas like christianity and islam are only enforced through slaughters and destroy the civilization of the nation they occupy. They strip it off every native tradition and they cannot act any differently because they're internationalistic anti-national monsters.
2. "No to... globalization" The funniest thing with "hellenochristianity S.A." is that it blames globalization because, according to them, it wants to enforce one language, one global government, one currency and to level all nations. Whereas the truth is that the first globalization of such kind was enforced by christianity itself. It abolished all native Gods and enforced the one-god, the rabbi jesuah. In other words these demagogues say that they object if we were to have one language and one government but they have no objection if we have one god. They support with immense nerve that "all peoples must preserve their own special cultural characteristics", like the language, but that they should not preserve their own native religion. Aren't they looking ridiculous when they want each country to preserve its national language but not its national religion? For the byzantine greekies the National Religion is not an element of a nation's civilization… We must realise that when an anti-national internationalistic dogma like christianity predominates in a land, it enforces through slaughters the local society to work for the dogma's benefit. It uses the society as a supply base for its own further expansion. It enforces to the art, philosophy, education, science and economy of the land to promote the dogma and to advertise it. It violently forbids the local society to reproduce its national tradition and enforces the reproduction of the internationalistic "culture". This is exactly what communism did when it was enforced to Russia. It enforced by law the "socialism in art". All the musicians, poets, philosophers, artists had to praise communism through their works, otherwise they were sent to Siberia or they were executed. There was a legal frame called "socialism in art" that forbade every non-communist artistic expression or work. This is exactly what Islam is doing today, this is what christianity has also done. So every artistic creation that comes from such a rape is a hybrid, a bastard, a result of rape. And such is the "hellenochristianic civilisation" a hybrid, the mixing of the immaculate Hellenism with judaean dogmas. And the christian judaean slaves feel proud of and want to be praised for polluting our Hellenic Civilisation with judaean dogmas. Those subhumans ask for a medal for their treachery. The only thing you should do if you meet them is to ask: So, since christianity has predominated in Africa, on tribes like the Zulu, can we say that christianity is the continuance of the Zulu Civilisation? Or do you need to be electrocuted in order to come round from the nonsense you 've been speaking of ? And finally, while the enforcement of a regime through slaughters is considered by you cultural continuation, then why is the ottoman empire not the continuation of byzantium? Why is Islam, that has predominated in Asia Minor, not the continuation of “hellenochristianic” civilisation? According to the ill logic of those christian demagogues, in Asia Minor the "turkish-islamist" civilisation must be the continuation of the “hellenochristianic” civilisation!!!
3. Plevres against Babiniotes Continuing our trip using as a compass the "logic" of the christian propagandists like Plevres, we conclude that since "we the hellenochristians" have common cultural elements (christianity) with other christianized peoples e.g. Serbs, Russians, Bulgarians, then we also have... common origin (! indoeuropeanism enters from the back door). This argument is used by the indoeuropologists to convince us about common racial origin. They say: "we have common language elements with sanskrit, similarities in the Vedas and Dodecatheon, so... common origin!" This trick of the demagogues lies to the fact that they compare languages and civilisations of unequal time periods in order to prove the supposed common language and the supposed common origin. But christians like mr. Plevres use the same deceitful tricks with the indoeuropologists. They compare different civilisations: a real (the Hellenic) and a non-existent (the christian) in unequal time periods to supposedly conclude ...common roots and common course, and "common" origin between Hellenism and christianity. And on top of that, they blame mr. Babiniotes for intentional mistakes (see mr. Plevres' book: Indoeuropeans and Phoenicists) We, Hellenes by religion, ask those christian byzantinolaters like mr. Plevres: Who plagiarizes who? We answer: mr. Babiniotes plagiarizes the methods and sophisms of mr. Plevres. The indoeuropologists derive their argumentation from the non-existent "hellenochristianic" civilisation. We, Hellenes by religion, are going to fight both of them. We have no common racial origin with the ...indoeuropeans simply because there has never been a indoeuropean nation and we have no common origin with christian civilization simply because there has never been a christian civilisation. Unless the christians prove to us the existence of a christian race and a christian language -necessary elements for the existence of any civilisation. If they claim that there is no christian civilisation but “hellenochristian” civilisation, then according to the above analysis, there should also be a germanochristianic, british-christianic, russian-christianic and mexican-christianic civilisation. Then the so-called “hellenochristianic” civilisation is nothing special. Merely one more fabrication of the christians that should apply to all the other nations with christian occupiers.
4. Orthodoxy says one thing but "hellenochristians" say another One of the most usual tricks of the christian propagandists is to support the exact opposite to the official orthodoxy. E.g. Plevres, Georgalas and co. speak and write against the Old Testament but the official orthodoxy has never spoken against Old Testament. It is considered a highly moral holy christian book. So those christians either they are not orthodox christians or they are merely conducting a low-level demagogy. Of course while they pretend to be such good patriots, they have never denounced mr. Christodoulos for calling us “idolaters” nor have they ever done any criticism to the hybris emitted by the “fathers of Christianity” against Hellenes. They focus their christian critisism on the Old Testament and say "we accept all the rest". But 50% of the texts of the "fathers of christianity" are comments on Old Testament and the other 50% is hybris against Hellenes. Those people have never denounced the crimes and hybris of the "fathers of christianity" against Hellenes. They always put the blame on the "bad" jews. So these “hellenochristians” are considered some kind of inner opposition inside christian orthodoxy. In reality they are the vanguard of orthodoxy, the most dangerous anti-hellenes because they try to cover up christianity with a mask of archeolatry and helleno-centrism, so that it is better camouflaged and that the average Hellen might not be able to see through its judaean origin. And this is why these supposedly hellenic-centered christians are the most dangerous and we must target all our blows against them. They cooperate harmonically with each other and servilely with the occupier so that the occupier might be able to dominate our children. They open the way for christianity to pollute more Hellenic Souls and to enslave them. Their anti-hellenic stance is proved by the fact that despite their supposed love for Ancient Hellas, they have never spoken for the legalization of Hellenic Religion, but in contrary, they fight against it. They have never publicly announced their frustration for the curses and hybris of christian orthodoxy against our ancestors. They have never asked from orthodoxy to recognize its crimes against Hellenism. They have never asked the reconstruction of our Hellenic Temples and the holy statues of our Gods.
5. Christians' respect for Ancient Hellas Be careful, those christians like Georgalas, Saketos and co. speak of preservation and respect for the crumbled monuments and not for a 100% reconstruction of the Temples as we ask constantly. They never dared to publicly ask to reconstruct the statue of Goddess Athena or of Zeus and put them in public streets. Because if they said that, they would not be christians and mr. Christodoulos would curse them. With the ridicule arguments of the christian propagandists about “hellenochristianic” civilisation, like mr. Georgalas, soon they will start to claim that the conversion of Athena's Temple, the Parthenon, into a christian church of their myriam is a proof of the contunuation of Hellenism and christianity. Soon they will start to claim that the churches of "prophet Helijah" is the continuation of the (demolished by christians) altars of Zeus and Helios (sun), so we should not be protesting... Or will they claim that the destroyed Hellenic Temples and the building of christian churches on top of them is a proof of the existence of “hellenochristianic” civilisation. Well in any case they should not be whining when the muslims demolish their churches and convert them into mosques because in this way the continuation between christianity and islam and the existence of a christian-islamic civilisation is proved. Since the christian churches that were built on top of our National Temples prove their “hellenochristianic” civilisation then the minarets of the former christian church “agia sophia” in Istanbul prove the turkish-christian civilization. The destruction of christian churches by the muslims and their conversion into mosques is the punishment of the christians for their crimes against Hellenes. Can't the christian propagandists see that all their arguments are getting back at them like a boomerang? They do nothing more than feed their enemies with arguments. Turks could easily claim that the minarets of “agia sophia” prove the continuance/co-existence of islam and christianity in the East. And mr. Babiniotes could easily claim, when he supports the latin alphabet, that the adoption of the latin alphabet will ...assist the internationalization of our language because the latin alphabet has its origins in the alphabet used in the area of Chalkidike. But as we have said, the Hellenism of those people, Plevres, Georgalas, Saketos and co. goes as far as to make Hellenism stand up but beheaded. And in the place of its head to put a judaeochristian skull. Their patriotism is such that they do not allow the practice of our National Religion but keep it outlawed with the dictatorship laws of dictator Metaxas. Those people are such patriots that they protest for the removal of the Balcan wars from the school history books and about why the school history books write that A. Diakos "died" and not "impaled" and blame as usual the "bad zionists" for these. But it is these people who have removed from the school books the death of martyr and philosopher Hypatia, the destructions of the Hellenic Temples, the burnings of the libraries and philosophers from the byzantine subhumans. And on top of that, they hymn these subhumans as "saints". Those bragging cowards, the christian demagogues dare to blame the jews for crimes that the christian priesthood and their anti-hellenic "religion" has committed.
6. The "hellenic-centered" are more dangerous than orthodox priesthood The "hellenic-centered" deceivers love ancient Hellas as long as it is not revived. They love Hellas as long as the children of Hellenes continue to sing the psalms of David. As long as the children of Hellenes bow down before rabbi jesuah. If someone dares to announce that our Native Religion has to be revived, that the our children should start to recite the Orphic Hymns and adore Zeus, then they attack with rage, with fanaticism. When some Hellenes begun to conduct ceremonies to honour God Zeus, they showed their real face. They begun to call us “idolaters”, to call us agents of zionism and their priesthood begun to threaten us that they will prosecute us "legally". They hate us for not bowing under rabbi jesuah and his jehova father. They support Ancient Hellas not in order to revive it but to raise from the dead the christianity that has passed out. But they should also know that we do not intend to turn back this time. We will obey to the commands of our Native Gods and will fight with zeal and decisiveness for our nation's rescue from the christian beast. Our Gods tolerated them long enough all these years to pollute the Souls of Hellenes with anti-hellenic dogmas. It is destiny: Our Gods are going to punish the enemies of Hellenes. They will inspire us and lead us to the battle against the judean sect of the nazarenes. They will teach us how to use their methods and weapons. They will turn their weapons against them and crash them. Mr. Plevres cried out in Telecity channel that the anti-hellenes removed the teaching of ancient Hellenic language from the schools in order to cut of the umbilical cord that connects us with our ancestors. Is that so, christian byzantinolaters? If the Minister of Education strikes at the Hellenic language then he cuts the umbilical cord between ancient and modern Hellas. What about those byzantine beasts that have striken/forbidden the National Religion, the true umbilical cord between ancient and modern Hellas, are they not anti-hellenes? Our opinion is that the two most powerful cultural elements of a nation are its religion and its language. But religion is the most powerful of the two. The proof is the jews that are scattered worldwide. Because even though they do not speak the same language, yet due to their common religion remained alive. But for the byzantinolaters, the banishing of Hellenic Religion from the education of Hellenes is not cutting the umbilical cord with ancient Hellas. On the contrary the enforcement of Moses, Saul, rabbi jesuah and all other judean pseudo-prophets (Prophet is a Hellenic word, the Title of the High Priests of Apollo in Delphi Temple) strengthens it!! Let's remove the Hellenic Religion from the Hellenic schools and teach the judaeochristian! That is how we will come in contact with Ancient Hellas!!! Through the judaean rabbis and "prophets"!! Those slaves of judaism are capable, if someone had enforced on us the english language, of justifying its teaching with the argument: "the english language is the continuance of Hellenic language ". And as a proof to stop you from protesting, they would point to the fact that in english there are many Hellenic words… So stupid are the slaves of rabbi jesuah in Hellas. They merely now have to go and collect their salary from orthodoxy, broadcasting the “hellenic origins” of christian orthodoxy. Instead of viewing, as we do, the Hellenic Religion as the umbilical cord that connects us with ancient Hellas, those fascists like Georgalas threaten us that if we return back to our Religion, we will be destroyed, we will be divided. For them it is only the Hellenic language that must be protected and NOT THE HELLENIC RELIGION. The Hellenic Religion, they say, must be persecuted. It is not, for them, the umbilical cord that connects us with ancient Hellas. This is the biggest proof that christians like A. Saketos, G. Georgalas, A. Georgiades, K. Plevres, B. Misyres and co. are the biggest enemies of Hellenism. Because only through our National Religion will we come in contact with ancient Hellas, language is not enough. And this is because through the Hellenic Religion we will sing our Hymns to our Gods, we will repeat the ritual ceremonies of our ancestors and we will celebrate the same celebrations. Armed with the ancient Hellenic language one can read the ancient classical literature. But this does not make one automatically a Hellen. One must behave psychically and emotionally as a Hellen. And this is possible only through the sacred rituals, the mysteries and the celebrations of our Hellen ancestors which we must repeat daily to keep in mind that we are Hellenes and not sheep slaves of rabbi jesuah. If the christian priesthood said that the Hellenic Religion should not revive, no one would pay any attention to them and all other Hellenes would support us; whereas now that the company of Georgalas, Plevres, Saketos and the likes says so, the Hellenes think: "if these people who are "archaeolaters" react negatively to the revival of the National Religion, then they must know something...". So we have arrived to the ridiculous phenomenon that our National Religion is being persecuted more by those supposed "archaeolaters" than by the christian priesthood. Yes, not even in his wildest fantasies would Jutprada (Justine) dream such a thing. John Chrysostomus would perform hara-kiri if he was able to see those archaeolaters having surpassed him in anti-hellenism. He would say: "I worth nothing, me, John Chrysostome, a professional persecutor of Hellenes, in comparison with A. Saketos". The whole point is this: the christian orthodox priesthood cannot influence any more the largest part of the population against the National Religion. So they have hired Georgalas, Saketos and co. to do their persecution work; and these corrupted people by pretending to be archaeolaters have unleashed a ruthless persecution against Hellenism. They are camouflaged christian persecutors of Hellenism. Because Hellenism=National Religion. The Hellenic civilization is not only unbreakably bound with our National Religion but was born from it. Our National Religion is the generator cause of the Hellenic Civilization, and not just a part of the Hellenic Civilization. So whoever strikes at our National Religion strikes at Hellenic Civilization. Whoever strikes at our National Religion strikes at Hellas and the Hellenic people. Whoever strikes at our National Religion strikes at Hellenism. This is why all Hellenes must crash ruthlessly the persecutors of Hellenism. All Hellenes must unleash their ideological fires against the christian fascists and must crash them ideologically. They are nothing but byzantine greekies, anti-hellenes and agents of zionism. They are racists and fascists. They invite judaism to enter from the back door. Those fascists are not the gate into Hellenism but the obstacle against it. They do not try to bring Hellenes close to Hellenism but fight in every way possible for Hellenes not to abandon judaochristianity.
7. On Falmeryer The last trick of the anti-hellenes christian fascists is the "whoever denies the continuance of Hellenism and christianity is a follower of Falmeryer". According to these slanderers, we Hellenes by religion are conducting propaganda of the Falmeryer type, because we refuse to pollute ourselves with the christian disease. We repeat that Falmeryer said that there is no racial continuance between ancient and contemporary Hellenes, whereas we say that there is no cultural continuance between the majority of the youth and the ancient Hellenes. Because most Hellenes were forcibly converted into judaism by the sect of nazarenes. Their customs, celebrations, psalms, saints, "prophets", holy books, their "god" etc. are all of judaean origin. So racially they are Hellenes but with a judaean cultural identity.
8. "Survival" of Hellenic customs in christianity Often christians try to convince us that the various degenerated epithets of myriam is the proof of the relationship between Hellenism and christianity, in the same way we have so many epithets for Goddess Athena. That is a lie. The judaeochristian fascist dogma had to adapt itself to the local conditions of the place it occupied. It had to undergo the necessary changes in order to be compatible and accepted by the local society, to relate itself in some way with the local customs so as not to provoke many reactions amongst the locals. The same adjustment was done in Germany, Britain etc. where the corresponding christian priesthood tells to the locals that christianity has its root to ancient German, Norman, Celtic etc. tradition and that supposedly is the continuance of those traditions. In other words the new conquering regime must absorb and assimilate some local customs otherwise it will be rejected as a totally alien part. Even if today some Ancient Customs are being preserved like the "fire-walkers" or the Olympic Games, these are completely stripped of their adoring-religious meaning. It is well known that the modern Olympic Games have nothing to do with the ethics and customs of the Ancient Olympic Games. They have degenerated into a parody. Can really any serious archaeolater claim that the modern Olympic Games, as they are degenerated, are the continuance of the ancient Olympic Games? For the byzantinolaters who had outlawed the Olympic Games maybe, but for us they have no relation whatsoever.
9. "It is thanks to the christian faith that we preserved our... national consciousness and our language" Shout the christian demagogues. This is a monstrous lie. Who ever has a christian consciousness does not mean that he also has Hellenic consciousness e.g. the Russian christian has no Hellenic consciousness. Christianity is not a constituent element of national consciousness but a dissolving element for the national conscience. According to the christian demagogues if a Hellen is forcibly converted into muslim, will lose his/her national consciousness, but if forcibly converted into christianity then they will keep it?! So the violent conversion of Hellenes into christianity by the byzantine beasts took place so as not to lose our national conscience??? Why didn't you say so earlier, you christian deceivers, so as not to accuse you unjustly... We, fools, have accused unjustly all those years our good Jutprada (Justine) and this holy boy, Theodosius A', while they were only trying to build and strengthen our national consciousness. We are so ungrateful... The best way to put a nation into sleep and to destroy a civilization is to say that you embody it. Would mr. G. Karatzaferes dare to publicly defend the zionist H. Kissinger when Kissinger announced that they should strike Hellenes at the language and civilization? No, of course not, because he would be lynched. But G. Karatzaferes publicly defends those christians criminals that destroyed the Hellenic language and our culture. He defends those who say that our ancestors were “idolaters and sinners”. And here is the question: who is more dangerous for Hellenism? Kissinger? But this one is immediately recognized as an enemy and all Hellenes gather around the idea of the protection of Hellenic language and Hellenic civilization. On the contrary, the christian priesthood and the byzantinolaters are a thousand times more dangerous, because the our people says: "If mr. G. Karatzaferes and the christian priesthood, "our own people" say that our ancestors were idolaters, then it must be so, they must know something". Byzantinolaters attack us by saying that Hellenism has continuance and that we are breaking it by crossing out byzantium. But who said that Hellenism has not continuance? The point is that byzantium is simply not a link of the chain of the continuance of Hellenism. We were enslaved to byzantines, they were conquerors. The conqueror is not the historical continuity of the conquered. Because according to the same "logic" if we call ottoman empire anti-hellenic, a Hellen muslim, of their kind, could accuse us of breaking the historical continuance of Hellenism during the period 1453-1821. If we blame nazis for the period 1940-44 what would a Hellen nazi-sympathizer say? That we break the historical continuance of Hellenism during the period 1940-44? We wonder how much more nonsense will we hear from the audacious byzantine greekies.
10. "Modern Hellas is... anti-hellenic" According to mr. Plevres, leader of the byzantinolaters, the modern state of Hellas is anti-hellenic (he has made such announcements at his tv shows in Telecity channel), because "the state does not publish ancient Hellenes authors, does not promote classical education"... So from his sayings we can only conclude that during byzantium, with which mr. Plevres is so much in love, the ancient authors must have been published by the... byzantine state in...repeated editions. And of course the byzantine empire, since it was Hellenic, according to mr. Plevres, it should have distributed them for free... "The state is anti-hellenic" cries mr. Plevres, "because it has not built any statues of Homer, Heracletus, Socrates etc". Certainly, because during byzantium, which is so much admired by mr. Plevres, all the empire was full with statues of Homer and Heracletus... The christian priests quarreled with each other who will construct more statues of the Hellen philosophers... "The anti-hellenic state does not assign to students any project work on ancient Hellas", cried out mr. Plevres. The man is right, because during byzantium all students did nothing else but project work on ancient Hellas. Whoever didn't do any work on pre-socratean philosophers didn't get a university degree... "There are no aesthetic statues in Athens, we are full of monstrous "artistic" constructions", said mr. Plevres. What a clever observation! because during byzantium times the whole empire was full of aesthetic statues which were adored by christian artists by cutting the noses and breasts off them... "The anti-hellenic state does not preserve the ancient monuments but buries them with demolition machines" shouts the enraged byzantinolater mr. Plevres. Yes, dear, where are those beautiful years of the "Hellenic" byzantine empire where the state took great care of our Hellenic Temples... Truly, a …"Hellen" byzantine emperor, Justine, would whip to death whoever dared to defile the Hellenic Temples. While another "Hellen" guy, emperor Arcadius, said this famous phrase "flatten everything to the ground", which meant that whoever destroys the Hellenic Temples will be punished by demolishing his house... "There is no dialogue, they do not allow us to speak, to express opposite opinions, to project our views", shouts the enraged mr. Plevres. That’s right (!!), because during the "Hellenic" byzantium times free dialogue was established through the "silence or death" which meant that whoever forbids the free dialogue would either stay silent or die... Oh, those beautiful years of byzantium, when we burned alive all those who swore at our philosophers and polluted our Temples... Whoever dared to burn a library or shut down a univeristy in byzantium, they cut off his arms, not like today with these degenerated youth who enter the Polytechnic University and set fire to it. That was a Hellenic state, the byzantium, not like this modern state which is anti-hellenic... Enough with jokes, let's get serious now. According to the perverted "logic" of mr. Plevres the more slaughters, persecutions and crimes a state commits against Hellenism, then the more …Hellenic that is!!! Because it cannot be explained otherwise that mr. Plevres names the modern state of Hellas anti-hellenic because it does not publish ancient Hellenes authors and at the same time he considers byzantine empire as a Hellenic state, when in Byzantium, along with the Hellenic books, they burned the Hellen authors as well. It is impermissible mr. Plevres to complain that the modern state of Hellas is anti-hellenic because there are no statues of Homer and at the same time to consider that byzantium was a Hellenic state, when in byzantium whoever dared to construct a Hellenic statue they cut off his nose and arms. We wonder when will the byzantinolaters stop pretending to be patriots in order to stop being more ridiculous than they already are.
11. Final conclusions for the company Hellenochristianism S.A. When byzantinolaters speak of "hellenochristian" civilisation they do not include our National Religion, the reconstruction of our Temples, our ancient music, our Ancient Customs, the conduct of Olympic games, the ancient Hellenic Tradition in general. No, when the nazarene propagandists speak of "hellenochristian" civilisation they mean the anti-hellenic byzantium, the anti-hellen "fathers of christianity", the Saul-Paul, the rabbi jesuah and the curses of the christian priesthood against Hellen philosophers. And in order not to reveal themselves they add some phrases by Aristotle or Plato. They define the "hellenochristian" civilisation as a massive percentage of judaism plus a tiny fraction of Hellenism. They call "hellenochristian" civilisation the judaean sect of the nazarenes. By changing the sect's name into "hellenochristian", they captivate the souls of Hellenes. The whole trick, the whole fraud lies in this name change. Because the Hellenic people gives an entirely different meaning to the word Hellenism than those charlatans do. "Hellenochristian" civilisation is the violent marriage of Hellenism and judaism. The rape of Hellenism by judaism. "Hellenochristian" civilisation is the name the propagandists of the nazarenes give to the violent conversion of the Hellenes into judaism. To their violent conversion into murderers of their own children. Whoever accepts this despicable term, legalizes the rape of Hellenism by judaism. Who ever accepts the national-treachery phrase "hellenochristian" is a slave of the judeans and murderer-denier of his/her own National Tradition. We challenge “hellenochirstians” to publicly tell us: The Olympic Games, they way they were conducted in ancient Hellas, as a religious ceremony and at the same time as an athletic game-celebration, are a part of the Hellenic civilization or not? What will they answer? That the athletic part is, but the religious part is not, due to idolatry? And that, on the contrary, the anti-hellenic judaean orthodoxy is a part of the Hellenic civilisation? What will they answer about the statues of our Native Gods? That the artistic part is a part of the Hellenic Civilization but the theological-adoration part is not? Do they refuse or not, the public reconstruction of our Gods' statues? Answer this clearly misters christian orthodox demagogues. For if you answer clearly, the masks will fall off. You will be humiliated. It will be revealed that it is you that are the biggest enemies of the Hellenism and not the zionists. If you are “hellenochristians” as you claim and not judaeochristians as we accuse you of being, then remove from the schools the teachings of the national religion of the Hebrews -Old Testament- and insert in its place the teachings of the National Relgion of Hellenes. And if you wish, you can also teach New Testament. Whoever does not agree with this proposition is not merely a judaeochristian but a pitiful traitor.
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