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Contents, Chapter B, Chapter C, Chapter D, Chapter E, Epilogue
Prologue This Guide was written in order to fill an enormous void in the ideological space of the Hellenic Nation: the protection of Hellenes against christian propaganda. We tried to offer to the new generations some information on how to defend themselves against Christianity. We believe that this Guide will help in the development of free judgement and thought of the new generations. We also believe that it will form a base for the parents to be informed correctly on the problem faced by their children when enslaved by the jewish sect of nazarenes. Young people are totally exposed to the dangers of many heresies in Hellas, but the sect of nazarenes is the most dangerous for the mental health of our children. If a child becomes a victim of this sect, it does not receive any help because we Hellenes for centuries neglected to give the decisive battle for the proper upbringing of the children and for the proper informing of the parents. So the target of this short Guide is to protect Hellenes from christian propaganda, which for centuries acts unpunished within our Sacred Fatherland. We are sure our Ancestors had left masterpieces on how to confront this jewish sect but the nazarenes burnt them. Our short publication cannot fill all voids that exist in this sector, but at least will give a practical Guide for the defence against christian propaganda. Let us give a short description of the jewish sect of Nazarenes: on top, there is a rabbi/prophet who is supposed to be the Messiah or identifies with god himself. The will of this man is projected as the will of god and he demands total submission into his company from the members of the sect. The sect demands total submission for the fulfillment of the “great cause”, which is supposed to be the salvation of humanity from the powers of evil. The sect enforces its victims to defy everything: family, ancestors, history, customs, ethics, it even demands to change their names so that they resemble the pseudo-prophets of the sect. The leader of the sect use to pretend the magician in order to survive financially and he deceived his victims by telling them that if they believed his teachings they would rise from the dead. Whereas those who will not believe, they will not resurrect. So far no one ever resurrected from the millions of victims of this sect, except for the rabbi jesuah, as members of the sect claim. Needless to say, that the “proof” of his resurrection comes only from his disciples. A classical example of deception. Every man who is not a member of this sect is considered a man of satan, that has to be exterminated ruthlessly. All and everything outside the sect are considered polluted. The nazarenes claim that they, only, possess the whole and only truth within a small book called New Testament. Most of the texts are letters of a circumcised jew with the name Saul. This sect for 2000 years has murdered with fire or torture billions of people, just because they refused to believe the nonsense it teaches. This sect exists in Hellas too, and it claims that it has for slaves 95% of Hellenes. But this is not true. Its percentage does not exceed 5%. It just applies the trick of compulsory and unwanted baptism and the dictatorial laws of Ioannis Metaxas which forbid the free expression of religious ideas. The sect of Nazarenes during the last decade has suffered death blows from laws of the European Union, and as a result of this, it has reduced its criminal anti-hellenic activity.
Introduction 1. Basic principle: always attack, never defence against christianity
The first thing we must be aware of, as Hellenes, is that we must never apologise for believing to our National Religion but that the christians must apologise for polluting us with their anti-Hellenic dogmas of their judaean sect of the nazarenes. They must not make us feel guilty for defending our Ancestors' Religion but it is us who will make them feel guilty for defending a criminal judaean sect. Basic law: Attack, never defence, defence equals death. We must never be put in the position of disputing the existence of our Gods. It is us who dispute the existence of the hebrew rabbi jesuah. Our intent in a confrontation with the christians is to convert them to our Religion and not to let him convert us to their criminal sect. We must never leave them such margins. Be careful in our ideological battles against the christians, never to allow them to bring us into apologising position and have them take the position of the prosecutor. E.g. when they blame us that we divide the nation's identity, we are to remind them that their priesthood made alliance with the Turks in 1821 and cursed all the Great Revolutionaries. So at the crucial moments of Hellas, not only did they not offer any help but they also made alliances with the enemy. So how are we expected to fight with the side of the priesthood? Those who slaughtered us and enslaved us are not going to help us today. The basic target of the christian propadandists is to try to make their victim feel guilty for protesting about its rape. If possible they will try to put it in the defendant’s dock and blame it for sycophancy. Christian demagogues invite us to forget the slaughters of Jutprada (Justine) and of Theodosius, to forget Hypatia and our Nation's Martyrs. But they want at the same time to constantly remind us of their non-existend martyrs and "saints"/murderers, the hebrew crucifiers of their jesuah and the slaughters they suffered from the catholics. And why should we forget the national Martyr Hypatia and not they forget their jesuah's crucifixion so that they stop polluting our souls with their lies? They want to make us view our Ancient Cultural Inheritance through the glasses of judaeochristianity. But all Hellenes must have firm faith to our Gods that we will survive and that we will defeat the enemies of Hellenism. As long as we do not abandon our Gods, they will never abandon us. All Hellenes must engrave this to their souls: Nations that bow under foreign gods are doomed to enslavement and one day they'll disappear. The Hellenic Nation will not escape this law, as long as it bows down before rabbi jesuah. Because being a christian means to spit on the face of your ancestors, to spit at the Hellenic Customs and ethics, to turn your back to the light-givers and protective Native Gods. To be a christian means to betray Hellenism (betray Hellenism in the sense we use the word and not in the sense the christian propagandists mean betrayal - for them Hellenism is the christian texts and the byzantine emperors).
2. Definition of the "hellenochristianic civilisation" Let's give now the definition of the "hellenochristianic" civilisation, a basic propagandistic phrase of the christian demagogues, but in the way we mean it: What is the "hellenochristianic civilisation"? Answer: the civilisation in which ancient Hellenes authors are not published. The civilisation that allows the sewages from cesspools to pour into ancient cities and theaters, the civilisation that does not teach Hellenes the Hesiodean Cosmogony but the orders of Moses and Saul. The civilisation that has no statues of the Hellenes Gods, Heros, Philosophers etc. but has hagiographies and statues of byzantine savages like Jutprada (Justine). The civilisation in which the priesthood, on the "lord's day of orthodoxy" utter cursing psalms against the Hellenic Wisdom (the Chapters of Italus). This is the "hellenochristianic civilisation". Hate dripping from everywhere against Hellenism and this is because its true name is "judaeochristian fraud". But how did the christian propagandists manage for centuries to deceive and to slaughter Hellenes without punishment? Their "secret" lies in the conduct of an one sided, aggressive, with no moral barriers, propaganda from their side, and to an unforgivable lack of action from our side. We did not adopt their techniques in order to use them against the christians, because we have shown tolerance, something that has proved to be a fatal mistake. Christianity uses shameless lie, violence, deceit, fraud, murder and many other methods, which we will summarize briefly in our Guide.
A. Methods, techniques, "arguments" and intentional mistakes of the nazarenes 1. The "continuation" of Hellenism-christianity Their basic "argument", the basic method they follow is to prove that there is a relation/continuation between christianity and Hellenism, in order to make us accept without protest the conquerors and slaughteres as "our own kindred". The trick about the supposed unity/continuity between christianity and Hellenism is not new nor is it used exclusively by the christian demagogues in Hellas. Turks also use that in Cyprus (when they speak of a united Cyprus, under turkish leadership of course) and the English in northern Ireland (when they speak of union, of course under english leadership). Generally the trick-phrase about cultural and civil unity is used by all conquerors everywhere and in every period for neutralizing any ideology that promotes resistance and expulsion of the conqueror by the conquered. They try to convince you that "it is not right for you to fight us, because we' re your own people". The same of course, christianity is doing in every land it has conquered. To the Germans it claims that it continues the civilisation of Ancient Germans, to the Russians it claims that it continues the civilisation of Ancient Russians etc. We will analyze the variations in which this phrase appears in detail, later on.
2. Camouflage Let's now look at a main technique of the christian propagandists: the camouflage. Many of them, when they want to get close to you, they do not reveal their religion because they do not want to confess immediateley that they are slaves of the jews. On the contrary they begin to speak of Ancient Hellas and they try to make you feel proud of her. So the candidate victim feels comfortable because the proselytist(missionary) does not appear to be much of a christian. The proselytists are being instructed not to mention immediately their tales about jesuah, rise-from-grave etc., but to begin with philosophical conversation e.g. for Plato. So be careful, if someone starts a religious conversation with you and begins to speak to you about Ancient Hellas; ask him immediately what is his religion. Any attempt to avoid giving a direct answer must put you in suspicion. Such christian speakers are A. Georgiadis and K. Plevres, who speak of Ancient Hellas without clarifying from the beginning that they are slaves of christianity and of the rabbi jesuah.
3. Arrogant style When a christian catechist talks to a Hellen about religious affairs, he tries to stress the number of christians worldwide, as an ostentation of power. He tries to ask you questions on quotes from ancient Hellenes authors that possibly you have not read, in order to try to plant the seed of doubt for your National Religion. Do not allow him to intimidate you. He's merely a slave of the Judaism and nothing more. Remember that the christian has studied our ancient authors not to exchange any ideas with you but to drag you far from our true and sacred National Religion and to enslave you to judaeochristianity. If you are not very well informed on the ancient texts and on the christian lies, stop the conversation immediately and ask the help of a devout Hellen who has studied the ancient texts to enlighten you.
4. The "good" and the "bad" cop The typical method of the police during interrogations. The "bad" cop threatens the interrogated to confess, while the "good" cop protects them from the "bad". The victims seek the protection of the "good" cop, feels comfortably close to him and finally "confesses" whatever the "good" cop wants them to confess. In the same analogous way, the "good" christians (Adonis Georgiades, Aggelos Saketos, G. Georgalas and others) will tell you how much they respect and love the ancient Hellenes and even the contemporary Hellenes and that they condemn (only in words) the prosecutions/slaughters of the "bad" christians. A careless Hellen will fall into this trap and will mistake this "good" christian for a friend. But history is ruthless; there are no good and bad christians. The only reason they do not slaughter the Hellenes today is because the European Union has issued directions against the prosecution of all religious minorities. Officially, the fascist anti-hellenic legislation of Ioannis Metaxas is legally valid, and the "good" christians do not utter a word about it. It is them that did not recognise any of our rights. Only the European Union gave us some limited rights. The only reason the christians are doing so many t.v. shows about Ancient Hellas today is because they are afraid of the mass moving of Hellenes towards their Native Religion and not because they love our culture. They want to present themselves as the natural heirs of our culture so that to banish the thought from the people's minds that our National Religion is going to become again the official religion of our country. This idea makes them tremble with fear.
5. "We have many proofs from the ancient texts about jesus" Basic technique of the christian demagogues is to look into our ancient texts for proofs on monotheism. And not only in ours, they do this to the texts of Hebrews, Romans, Lithuanians, Hindus, Aegyptians etc. so that to force upon you the idea: "do not resist to your enslavement to christianity, because even your ancestors had foreseen the coming of jesus". If someone studies the texts of the christian apologists to the Hebrews, will find out that they constantly mention fragments from Old Testament which they cut'n'tailor in such a way to look as if they prove the coming of jesus. All Hebrew rabbis answer them that there is not one sentence in the Old Testament that talks about jesus, but the christians continue undisturbed by the actual evidence. The insolence of the christian demagogues is so big that in order to add to their lies some verisimilitude they claim that the Hebrew rabbis do not know how to interpret properly the Old Testament! And the same things they do against us; they cut'n'tailor our ancient texts to "prove" their jesus. They isolate one phrase from the whole text and interpret it in a way they like. Needless to say that they do the same thing with immense insolence to all the texts of all native peoples. Of course the same technique use the various christians sects when they quarrel with each other. They take a phrase from the Bible and interpret it with thousand different ways, and that is why there are so many christian sects around.
6. Circular reasoning Very often the christian demagogues use the "argument": "It's in the New Testament that jesus is the messiah". This, in the science of logic is the fallacy named circular reasoning. Because it takes for granted that which has to be proved. Let' s see how the circular reasoning works: -We ask: who claims that jesus was the god/messiah? -The New Testament, they answer. -And who wrote the New Testament? -The god, through the apostles, they answer. It is obvious that no one can claim that he is intelligent by offering his own claims as a proof. This would be an indication of stupidity (for christianity though, stupidity is considered a science, so there is no problem). It is as if I claim that I am a god and offer as a proof of my divinity a text of my own where I self-proclaim myself a god. Everyone would laugh at me, except if I were christian.
7. Projecting enslavement as if a divine order Let's see now how the nazarenes subject the idea of enslavement to the Hellen people. Christians propagandize that the man must be in a permanent state of humiliation, that the man must not be proud. They try to undermine your courage, to submit to the idea of slavery, "not to raise your head against their god". And they do this because no rational man accepts with its own will to become someone else's slave, not even bow down before another man. Christians keep repeating cunningly that "we're nobody's slaves, we're only slaves of christ". Of course some slaves of christ (priesthood) are slightly above the others, because they are god's chosen ones and god's representatives on earth, our masters that is. With this trick they submit the idea of enslavement of people to the priesthood as the priesthood appears to possess the exclusive representation of their god on earth.
8. Explanation of the christian crimes Apart from the fact that christianity is both an anti-hellenic and an antihuman-hating dogma, there is also a practical explanation for the innumerable slaughters of the christians against Hellenes. Each civilisation creates a cultural identity for its members. Consequently the customs, ethics, diet, music, painting, gyms, theaters, hair-style, clothing, remind to a person of their origin. So it was not enough for the christians to destroy the statues of our Gods but they had also to try to erase from our memories everything that would remind to us of the Gods' presence. And because in Ancient Hellas the theaters and the athletic games were connected with the ceremonies and consequently with the memory of the Gods, they also destroyed those customs. We get a better idea of the whole picture, if we wonder in what way a muslim could convert a Hellen woman into a muslim, besides taking her away from her natural environment. He would remove her clothing, her earrings, her high-heeled shoes, her aromas (scent arouses very powerful memories), her bracelets, her amulets, her watch, her lipstick, her photo album, her personal letters, her books, her nail enamel, her socks, her childhood toys, and everything else that would remind her of her origin. If we take a Hellen woman and bring her to Iran, even if we dress her with the chador, she will keep in her memory, her origin, if she takes with her all her personal objects. And each time she will put on her aroma, each time she will see her photos, each time she will play with her childhood toys, she will remember that she is a Hellen woman. That is why the byzantine beasts left nothing standing: because everything reminded to Hellenes of their origin. Many Hellenes today think that the christians did all these crimes because of their ignorance and lack of education. We support the opposite: That they knew very well what they were doing: ethnocide and genocide simultaneously. They did not want to leave traces of Hellenic origin to our memories. That is why they prohibited the use of Hellenic names or passing by a Hellenic Temple, with the threat of death penalty. The crimes they committed was not the work of a handful of fanatics as the lying christians propagandists claim. It was a premeditated plan, well-organised. After all, we see the same thing in Islam: someone who is converted to Islam, he is immediately obliged to get a muslim name. In other words, direct attack against the personal/cultural identity of the person. To forget their past and their origin.
9. The tactic of the "carrot and whip" Christians claim that their Bible is full of love for their neighbor and "love your enemy" they repeat. But whoever reads the Bible carefully will find out that for each paragraph that speaks of love there are two that speak of hatred against the heterodox. From one side, the rabbi jesuah says that he'll love us if we become good christians and from the other side he says that he'll condemn us to eternal hell if we do not become christians but remain idolaters. In one moment he says that he came to bring peace and love to earth and in the other moment he says that he came to bring dissension, fire and war on earth. Those alternations between hatred and love are not accidental neither incompatible, nor unconnected as many think. The tactic of "the carrot and the whip" is applied by many government organizations to the civilians. Even applied to small children: "eat your food and I will let you watch tv otherwise I'll spank you". So why not the christians too?
10. "We possess the... only truth" Repeat the christian demagogues. Christians exploit the innate love of learning of the Hellenes to preach the blasphemy that they posses the only truth. Such blasphemy was never heard from sacred giants like Socrates and Heracletus and it is heard by mental dwarfs whose stupidity has broken every other world record. Behind this sophism hides fascism. Because they cannot declare openly that they are fascists they claim that their god has revealed to them the only truth. Stay away from such christians fascists. At the same time we observe that they intentionally leave vague points in their texts so that when we discover the contradictions of their foolish theories, they will be able to interpret the vague points one way or another.
11. Absolution of sins As Porphyry writes in his "Against christians" the sin absolution while at first glance seems innocent and is being propagandized as mercy of the rabbi jesuah, in fact it encourages criminality of the people. It teaches them that if they commit crimes they will be forgiven, that if they commit murder, prostitution, robbery etc. the christian "god" will forgive them if they get baptised christians. And indeed Porphyry is justified. Because christianity today does not feel guilty of the crimes it has committed against humanity but continues with immense nerve its ethnocide work.
12. The guilty blames the innocent for the crime the guilty has committed One of the oldest tactics of the christians is to blame the idolaters for the crimes the christians commit and as if this is not enough they surpass any limit of insolence by saying that the idolaters blame the innocent christians for these crimes. Just read the christian apologist Justin who blames the Romans that they charge the crimes and obscenities (of christians) to the innocent christians. And of course he hushes up the fact that christians do not go to the army, that they break idol statues of the Gods and burn ethnic Temples and that the fanatic christians murder ethnic priests and Roman officers. In reality christians copy the motto that goes "someone was hitting a man and at the same time he cried for help". In the same way the christians slaughter, murder, rape, destroy nations and civilisations and then whine pretending to be the victims.
13. Confession This technique is especially designed to undermine the courage and self-confidence of the person. Christians tell the person that he's under a constant struggle with Satan who is hunting him in order to enslave him. They tell the person that he's under a constant battle with himself, that he has committed sins that he has to confess in order to be saved. In reality this is a method of self-censorship. They cause such a psychosis to the person that he gets the impression he is being hunted by devils and evil spirits and that every calamity that happens in his life is because he does not believe enough to christianity. In the anti-heretic guide of the christian G. Psaltakis we read this cute one too: "whoever says that there is no satan, he is an instrument of the satan". They force the person into self-humiliation by confessing "sins" that has committed or that he is going to commit, directly undermining the person's self-confidence to his abilities. Our National Religion in extreme contrast with the christian pseudo-religion raises the person's self-confidence, teaches him to trust his abilities, to hunt the knowledge and in order to receive Goddess Athena's help, he must also fight too.
14. "All are in the... gospel" Say the christian demagogues. They forget to tell us though how many gospels there exist and how many times have they changed their content. We will answer this to help them: there are so many gospels as are the christian sects (which means there are a few thousand gospels) and in every Synod the christians change them so that they fit with the popular beliefs of each period. And then they have the effrontery to say: "it's in the gospel". We must give them credit that they are very imaginative when it comes to fraud and lie.
15. They're against the anthropomorphism of Gods Whoever reads the Old Testament (exodus, 24:10-11) will find out that jehova appears with manlike form and that in the New Testament of course jesuah appears also in manlike form. If someone takes the time to think that the christians have slaughtered so many millions of people with the accusation of anthropomorphism of the Gods, will understand that all this talk about idolatry was nothing but an excuse to enforce their own anthropomorphic rabbi jesuah and not some truthful accusation.
16. The satan of christians It is worthy of examination why the christians thought and invented this little tale about satan. The scholars that studied christianity tell us that the christian propagandists constructed a symbol that the mass hates. Then they loaded this symbol with every calamity and evil of the world. With constant repetition they caused psychosis to the mass. They managed to convince the mass that this imaginary construction actually exists. And they made the mass hate it. Then they started to call the actions of their opponents as actions of the satan. They started to project the thoughts of any person that disagreed with their nonsense as the reflection of the thoughts of satan. Mass believed that and so the fires started to burn. This is, in short, is what the scientific research has concluded. But today, the "enlightened" archbishop of the christians in Hellas has written a book titled "the war against satan" and howls, after so many centuries of christian darkness and slaughter, that the satan... exists!! And that he's after us! In some points of his book he terrorizes himself and the readers so that they find the... courage all together to face the satan...We too wondered what could be the cause of such ill-thinking, so we sat and thought about the psychological causes that led that person to such an insanity. And we found it! It is his Banbury friend! Exactly. Have you read Oscar Wilde's play titled "the importance of being earnest"? In this play, a playful young lord in order to be able to cheat his relatives and be absent from family meetings or other obligations has invented an imaginary friend, called Banbury. And Banbury calls for him any time the young lord needs to escape from some obligation. This young lord has become so capable in banburying that he is also able to spot other banburists, like his good friend Earnest who has invented an imaginary brother. The young lord decides to appear as Earnest's brother, in order to meet his pretty niece and when Earnest comes home and is informed that his "brother" is there, he goes frantic... It is exactly the same case with the christians' archbishop in Hellas. To be able to justify his dirty works along with the rest of the priesthood, they have devised an imaginary Banbury (=the satan) to whom they can attribute their crimes and dirty works. And because of the too much Banbury talk, they ended up with actually believing in the existence of the satan. And now that they see christianity crumbling down to pieces and themselves along with it, they believe it is satan's work. And they go insane. A picturous christian even published a book titled "the mystery of unlawfulness" in which he describes how "the powers of the darkness and of the satan" strike at christianity... (Note: if there was a satan, then this is surely the christian "god", since it was with his blessings that billions of crimes were committed by the misled christians. A satan could not possibly have committed more crimes that christianity has. Only a jesus-satan would burn people alive in order to abandon their religion and become his slaves. Only a jesus-satan would order his believers to cut of hands, noses and to take out the eyes of all those who did not want to be slaves of the satanic sect of the nazarenes. Only satans would cut into pieces the Alexandrean Philosopher Hypatia and carry around her pieces at the streets. So if there was a satan, that would be the jesus christ. Because in any other case he would not have permitted the committment of so many crimes in his name. The christian demagogues hush up the fact that their god is the satan).
17. "Repent, reform... sinners, for the salvation of your soul" Josef Gebbels, head of the nazi propaganda taught to his propagandists: "slander, slander, in the end something will remain". Probably it is the christian propagandists that he copied, who by using this tactic it is similar to having the rapist say to his victim: repent, reform... The christian priesthood instead of feeling guilty because they raped the Hellenic people and all mankind, instead of repenting for their crimes, they try to call upon the Hellenic people to repent! In the end, the priesthood thinks, we'll make someone feel guilty for not being christian. The only sin of the Hellenic people is that they still tolerate on their backs christianity, but not for long. As regarding the salvation of our souls, when the priesthood speak of "salvation" they mean the murder of our Hellenic soul and its surrender for "salvation" to jehoba and his son, jesuah.
18. Infant-baptism, the forced recruiting of the christians In the school books they taught us about the Turks kidnapping children, raising them as Turks and recruiting them against Hellenes. But no one ever taught us about the forced recruiting of the christians, who in byzantine times they kidnapped Hellen children and after having compulsorily baptized them christians, they locked them up in christian religious schools (as muslims do today) and they turned them into fanatics against their Hellen ancestors. And it is from these children that they formed the byzantine orders of soldiers that slaughtered our ancestors. The forced recruiting of children from the christians still continues today with the compulsory infant-baptism, the catechist anti-hellenic schools, the compulsory teachings of the christian pseudo-dogmas in school etc. where the christian catechists transform the Hellenes into prosecutors of their own ancestors and brothers.
19. Why the christians do not recognise us today as a religion? Even though other religions that have nothing to do with Hellas, like Islam, have been recognised by christianity, we, though, are not legally recognised. But why? Because this would be as if they recognised the existence of their rival who claims the position the christians possess, because this would justify the clash between Hellenism and christianity and they have worked so hard in trying to convince everybody that there is no such clash. Because immediately they would crumble into pieces all those propagandistic tales that they have constructed with so much work and have preserved with the help of the policeman and of the prosecutor. Because they would have to indirectly recognise the fact that the war between Hellenism and christianity started 20 centuries ago and is now progressing into a new phase. That is why Mr. Paraskevaides (archbishop Christodoulos) does not recognise our existence and that is why we do not recognise his sect as the lawful representative of Hellenes. This person does not represent anything Hellenic. The only thing that he represents is the anti-hellenic byzantine beast and the medieval darkness.
20. Christian-oriented "hellenic-centered" organizations It is a widely known fact in the field of politics, the creation of party syndicalistic organizations (trade unions) with the intention of manipulating and shutting up the workers' movements. Such organizations are created not for promoting the interests of the workers but to drown all their rightful requests. In the same way, many "hellenic-centered" organizations have recently appeared with the intention not to help the revival of Hellenism but to restrain the Hellenic Movement. Their basic pursuit is not to let the Hellenic people think to free themselves from the bonds of the christian slavery and be reborn as free men in their National Religion. Despite our own lack in organizational and enlightenment matters, we have succeeded in humiliating the christian demagogues to a large degree: to prevent the mass movement of Hellenes who feel ecstacy when listening to the voice of the Fatherland Gods, they have fallen so low that they begun to teach Hellenic Philosophy to their children. Yes, this is how much is the humiliation of the christian propagandists like A. Saketos, to... defend (!) the classical education while some time ago they freaked out in the mere pronunciation of the words "Ancient Hellas". If mr. Saketos lived in byzantine times, or few decades earlier and dared to speak of Aristotle, Heracletus etc. he would have been officially cursed by the priesthood (in the best case) or he would have ended up being burned alive (in the worst case, in byzantine times). If John Chrystostomus lived and listened to Mr. Saketos he would have performed charakiri. All those years of anti-hellenic propaganda by the "fathers of the church" have been a waste of time?
21. Falmeryer and orthodoxy There are two types of propagandists that strike Hellenism: those who support Falmeryer's theory and those who support the judaean sect of the nazarenes. The first tries to convince us that there is no racial continuity between the contemporary Hellenes and the ancient Hellenes. The second tries to convince us that there is continuity between christianity and Hellenism. The first strikes our past and our historical backbone and the second our future, our cultural backbone. The truth is that there is racial-biological continuity between the contemporary and the ancient Hellenes but there is no cultural continuity. The christian roman-like country-of Helladistan has no cultural relation/continuity with the glorious Ancient Hellas.
22. Regas and Koraes, the... hot supporters of... orthodoxy! The famous enemy of christianity and great teacher of our nation, Adamantios Koraes wrote the "Brotherly teaching" as an answer to the "fatherly teaching" of the christian priesthood that preached to Hellenes the submission to the Turks. A christian demagogue surpassing even himself presented in the Sunday paper column "orthodoxy and hellenism" the writings of Koraes as a... hymn to orthodoxy(!!!). This cunning christian demagogue thought "who has ever read what Koraes wrote; let's write some lies... we've been doing this all the time... are we going to change now?" And then having absolutely no shame, he blames the "anti-hellenic" and the "anti-priesthood" circles that they exploit the names of Regas and Koraes to spread their anti-christian views, while at the same time this is exactly what he is doing. He uses the names of Koraes and Regas to claim that they... had supported christian priesthood and orthodoxy. Christian propagandists are like the hunter who kills the rabbit and blames the rabbit for being killed. It wasn't the hunter's fault, it was the rabbit's...
23. Christian love and their holy book All Hellenes must know that when the judaean sect of the nazarenes uses the word love, means exactly the opposite, hate that is. If someone asks them how their sayings on love compromise with the blood-thirsty Bible (mainly Old Testament) they answer: yes, we have the Old Testament as a holy book but we don't teach it much (like saying, yes we are a judean sect, but we don't confess that). The fraud of christianity about their “love” is proved by this fact: from one side they propagandize the absolution of sins and crimes (meaning their own sins and crimes) and on the other side they do not “forgive” the “idolaters” for their beliefs. The fraud is obvious; christianity forgives the crimes the christians commit, so that the crime is collective. It transforms the people into criminals, makes them accessories to its crimes. One cannot say that his forgives a murderer or a prostitute and at the same time sends billions of people to the fire with the accusation of idolatry. Christian demagogues forgive all crimes but the "crime" of "idolatry". Such charlatans they are... We must not confuse the words of the christians with their deeds. It is other things that they say and other things they do. The fact that some christians may possibly not approve of the slaughters against the “idolaters”, does not change anything. They support clearly and openly Christianity; they just have to find some excuse for themselves and for the world for doing so. It is as if a nazi says that he condemns the nazi crimes but remains a nazi. This is why they say "we condemn" those crimes, but only in words. A verbal condemnation costs nothing (especially after the crime has been committed). From one side they condemn the crimes of the byzantines and from the other side they have declared each one murderer of them a “saint”. The Hellenes that will face such a christian must ask him if the sect of the nazarenes intends to compensate them for the destructions of the Hellenic Temples, theaters, libraries etc, that it has committed. If it intends to banish the murderers that has for saints in its calendar. If it intends to publicly apologize for the millions of Hellenes that has send to the fire and finally if it intends to leave Hellas so that we can purify the place.
24. A thousand and one lies The basic tactic of the christian demagogues into lying is this: for every crime they have committed, they claim that they did the exact opposite. Did the christian priesthood made alliance with the Turks? They cry out that the christian priesthood fought against the Turks! Did the christian priesthood officially cursed the revolution of 1821? The claim that the christian priesthood blessed it!! Did they destroy the Hellenic civilisation? They claim with immense nerve that they saved it!!! Did they banish Hellenic education? They claim that they are the chief responsible for saving it!!!! Is their sect an international anti-national dogma? They claim that they support nations and fatherlands. Are the monasteries centers of illiteracy and corruption? They say that the monasteries are centers for spiritual development and moral cultivation. Are they the religion of slaughter and hate? They will tell you that they are the religion of love...
25. Main causes for the predomination of christians a. They used extensively agitation; they aimed at the sentimental world of the person, while our National philosophers performed enlightenment addressing chiefly the logical part of the man’s brain. A tragic mistake on our side, since one has to face a bolting christian mob. b. They organised a military section; the soldier-monks who prosecuted and slaughtered non-christians. Our ancestors considered such a thing unthinkable, and finally c. We did not apply the dictum "fight fire with fire". And this is the only way to face a leveling dogma like christianity. The Indian polytheists (Hindus) succeeded in restraining the muslims by creating military-religious orders with iron discipline. A dogma, a blind belief can only be restrained with a more powerful dogma, with a more powerful faith. The hate of the christians can only be faced with hate. This is the lesson of history, despite the dislike of this fact by some Hellen polytheists, but history is ruthless.
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