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Answers to frequently asked questions The following questions come either from specific persons or are frequently asked so they have been grouped.
11. Question: Don't you think that these views of yours will cause the violence of the christians? Answer: This is the excuse of the loser. We will cause the love of the nazarenes and their respect. The demagogues of the nazarenes do exactly what Saul had originally thought doing to the Romans with his christian teachings in order to bring lack of discipline and moral corruption to their legions. The same thing the nazarene demagogues are doing to the Hellenic Religious Movement: they bring lack of discipline, moral corruption and apathy. They try to disperse our Religious Army. With phrases like "no to doctrines", in other words no to rules and discipline, they try to disperse the Army of the Gods. But they will not make it, for Nemesis waiting for them with the Axe of Justice ready to soak in their blood.
12. Question: Since we have democracy everyone can believe whatever he likes, can't he? So christians too? Answer: The nazarene sect has nothing to do with democracy and human rights. The criminal sect of nazarenes performes human sacrifices by burning people in the stake to honour jeshuah, for 2000 years. We cannot let criminals who want to perform human sacrifices to walk away free. But let's suppose for a moment that even this can be tolerated by democracy, that the nazarenes have the “right” to murder people and civilisations. This does not give them the right to call themselves Hellenes. One cannot reject the Hellenic Kosmotheasis, destroy the Hellenic Civilisation, swear at the Ancestors and call them “idolater” and then pretend to be Hellen and speak of democracy saying that “anyone can believe whatever he likes”. The nazarenes spread such views to separate themselves from the responsibility and consequences of their crimes. With such lies, they provide themselves with unlimited authority without any responsibility and simultaneously they legalise their conquests. To transform the nazarene conquerors, tyrants and butchers of Hellenism into legal heirs of the enslaved Hellenism, that is a crime against the Truth. The Priests of the Hellenic Religion do not recognise any “state” of the nazarenes, nor any “democracy” of the nazarenes, nor any “human rights” of the nazarene murderers. This cancer will be completely destroyed along with any Hellen that supports it and obeys the anti-Hellenic decrees of the nazarenes. Their death is our life. The nazarene has the right to reject the Religion and the Gods. But the nazarene does not have the right to call himself a Hellen, not even a human.
13. Question: What are your views in a case of war with an external enemy? Shouldn't we fight with our brother christians against the external enemies? Answer: The external enemy is the nazarenes. If some other enemy of the roman pseudo-state of the nazarenes invades, the Hellenes will arm themselves against the nazarenes and will make alliance with the enemies of the nazarenes. Whoever traitor propagates that the nazarenes are our brothers, he will be exterminated without mercy. Whoever traitor arms himself and fight for the nazarene conquerors and against the enslaved Hellenes will be killed with the most terrible way. Whoever fights in order to expand the lands of the nazarene sect and whoever refuses to fight for the freedom of the enslaved Hellenism he is an enemy of the Hellenic Nation and neither dialogue nor mercy will exist for him. Hellas and Hellenism identify with the Hellenic Religion and not with the interests of the nazarene sect. Whoever does not fight for the Land and the Religion and fights for the interests of the nazarene gang, he is an enemy to be exterminated.
14. Question: But shouldn't we defend the land against the Turks? Answer: Only nazarene demagogues and frauds identify the Fatherland with christianity. Only guileful and enemies of Hellenism call the people to take part in imperialistic wars to spread the christian plague. Whatever uses force in order to sustain christianity and identify it with the Fatherland is cancer. Whoever wants to enforce christianity to other nations through slaughter and wants to fight in order to spread christianity, violates the freedom of the individual to freely believe whatever he or she wants. It is a hybris against Democracy and Divine Laws to arm ourselves and fight for the nazarenes. It is the ultimate betrayal to arm yourself and defend the pseudo-state of the nazarenes. This way you divide the Hellenes and prevent the reconciliation among themselves and with Gods. Of course we will fight, but we will fight for the Hellenic Land and NEVER EVER for the christian “country”. Whoever criminal baptizes the christian imperialistic wars as “salvation of the country” will face the capital sentence. Because this is how they want to enforce christianity to Hellenes, with the use of violence. They want to start christian crusades and slaughter other peoples. Hellenism rejects any form of violence that abolishes human rights of our fellow citizens and no one has the right to spread around fanaticism and hatred for the heterodox and to humiliate Hellenism. The war for the christian "country" is a war against the Hellenic Democracy and against Divine Laws, it is a war against human rights. With these lies, the enemies of Hellenism spread, they divide the Hellenes. They do not want us to reconcile with our neighbour Turks because they are christian fascists. They hate people for their religious beliefs. They want them to be slaves to the nazarene gang.
15. Question: Dialogue with the christians or use of arms? Law or arms? Answer: Fake dilemmas of fraudulent persons. The pseudo-dilemma “law or arms?” has been prepared from the deceiver who spreads it in order to present you with a pre-constructed dead end, in order to exclude the case for you to say, “I choose the arms”. It excludes the choice to disagree. It presses you to say “I want to go by the laws”, with the christian laws of course. It cunningly excludes your right to have a different opinion. Christian laws are completely rejected by all Hellenes. The real dilemma is not “law or arms” but Freedom or death. Struggle or submission. Retaliation or humiliation. These watch words about a conciliatory approach with the nazarenes that some traitors spread around, are outside of reality. They say that by a conciliatory approach we will bring the people near us. These are serious nonsense. And this is because they immediately demote the issue of Hellenism versus christianity from an armed Holy National-Liberating Fight into a mere ideological difference; whereas christianity is an imperialistic military-political movement like Islam. It wages armed struggle against nations. It recruites and converts people into criminals. To a criminal you do not say “please change your views but if you like, do not change them, that’s no problem”. You punish him with no mercy. We do not allow any margins to the criminal to preserve his criminal views. Otherwise, an outside spectator of the facts does not see the difference between crime and punishment. With a conciliatory approach we push the people away from the Hellenic Religion. With the calm attitude we show the nazarene the way to escape and to commit more crimes. Is it not allowed for the Laws and the Axe of Justice to loosen because that way the society will be destroyed. It is as if proposing that those who refuse to take arms and fight for the Fatherland should be treated with a conciliatory approach instead of martial courts because maybe they will be pushed away from the Fatherland. With a conciliatory approach we give the impression that we might be wrong and that christianity might be right. The position of Hellenism against the nazarene sect will be the same as it has always been: relentless, strict, cruel, martial and merciless. No mercy for the terrorists and murderers of the peoples, the nazarenes.
16. Question: But shall we kill our father and mother just because they are christians? Answer: If your father and mother are murderers what will you do? Will you cooperate with them and become a mafia family? Or will you turn them into justice as the laws state? Of course you will turn them into justice otherwise the judicial code states that you become an accomplice to the crimes of your father or your mother. Whoever of our relatives are christians, will be enlightened about the Hellenic Religion and about the criminal actions of the nazarene sect. And this will be conducted with persistence and patience. But if they refuse to withdraw their support to the terrorist organization of the nazarenes then they become accomplices to the crimes of the nazarenes against the Fatherland and Hellenism. And like all traitors they will be punished as they deserve. It is themselves responsible for their punishment and not Hellenism. Hellenism does not punish anyone for being deceived. But punishes mercilessly whoever slanders it and attempts to destroy it. It is completely insignificant if the slanderer and the destroyer is a foreigner or a first degree relative. Their punishment will be very strict otherwise we will be accessories too of fomenting the criminal and of conspiracy against the Hellenic Nation. And then the terrible and unstoppable Wrath of the Gods will come upon us.
17. Kostas Argyropoulos: But shouldn't we forget all these crimes that the christians committed and look forward? Otherwise we will be divided and this will be the worst thing for the nation. Answer: Mr. Argyropoule, thank you for your question and we hope to meet your expectations. Peoples that forget their History are doomed from History itself into extinction. The men of every society and every age must grant a tribute of honour to all those who sacrificed themselves for the common interest and common ideals. Whoever does not honour the million dead people that have been sacrificed for the salvation of Hellenism and seeks to reconcile with its slaughterers, then this man becomes the same with the slaughterers of Hellenism. The slaughterers, destroyers and slanderers of Hellenism do not belong to the Hellenic Nation. It is a basic law of History that the conqueror is not a part of the nation it has conquered. The conquerors circulate their lies about division and imply that they belong to the Hellenic Nation. But as every conqueror, they must pay for their crimes. Hellenes should worry about dividing themselves from the Fatherland Tradition, about going away from the Gods, about forgetting the Ancestors. Hellenes, in every way, MUST DISTINGUISH THEMSELVES from judaeochristianity. In order for Hellenes to survive as a Nation, they have to “divide” themselves from the nazarenes. Whoever worries about the division of the nazarene conquerors and of the enslaved Hellenes is like saying that the Ottoman Turks should not have been driven out because of the danger of division! That we should not have driven out the Nazis because then we will be divided! That we should not have revolted against the Roman polytheists because of the danger of division! The Church of Hellenes by religion is present in every mass memorial and prayer in honour of the dead that fell in the battles against the byzantine subhumans. It is present in every ceremony in honour of the Hellenes that fell victims of the christian ferocity and barbarity during the seventeen centuries of slavery. We call all Hellenes to attend to this Sacred Duty and to grant a tribute of honour to the millions of our Ancestors who held high the flag of Hellenism and of Hellenic Religion, sacrificing even their own lives with a terrible and painful way.
18. Georgios Katsantonis: Will we conduct religious wars? Did Hellenism conduct religious wars? Answer: Hellenism always conducted religious wars. The Hellenic Religion is the foundation of the Hellenic Civilisation. So whoever refuses to defend with arms the Hellenic Civilisation has nothing to do with Hellenism whatsoever. Those who deny the Holy War act like the hellen-haters in the issue of the biological boundaries, like the capitalists in the issue of the economical boundaries. They spread the lie that the foreigners must freely come into Hellas and mix with the locals, that there must be no tax differences to foreign products. It's the same thing with the nazarenes. They submit to Hellenes the idea that they must not fight with arms for Hellenism so that the nazarenes can fight against Hellenism without fear for reprisals. If someone tried to enforce the english language on us and ban the Hellenic Language this would be a cause of war. The same thing applies for the Hellenic Religion. Those who deny the Holy War have constructed a treacherous theory and have dressed it up with a Hellenic garment so that the Hellenism self-castrates itself from any sign of vitality.
19. Question: Shouldn't we become brothers with the christians even if this has some disadvantages? Answer: No “brotherly” things with the murderers! We read at the “hellenocentered” magazines that some punks take the nazarenes for our brothers. Hellenism completely rejects this “fraternization” between Hellenes and nazarene murderers when the christian imperialism is at full reorganizing worldwide. This kind of “fraternizations” are part of the politics of the traitors who propagandize the pseudo-“hellenochristian civilisation” and function as alibi of the christian imperialism while undermining the people’s will for National Resistance. If you view your enemy as a friend, then you have lost every possibility for resistance. If this analysis is beyond the understanding capabilities of some "hellenocentered" persons due to their leveling nationalism, this does not mean that the Hellenes will be carried away by this destructive tactic. Hellenism is not distracted by the hallucinogenics of the "helleno-centered" nationalistic propaganda that wishes to present christianity as something different from the nazarenes. Whoever does not speak of the slaughters and of the crimes that the nazarene sect commits is a suspect of cooperation with the nazarene murderers. For 17 centuries, the teaching of the Hellenic Religion in Hellenic schools is prohibited, the same applies with the public adoration of the Gods. So how can some demagogues, while the Hellenic Religion is not being taught in schools, while the Temples and the Sacred places of the Gods have not been restored, while the statues are not placed back at the public buildings, dare speak of “fraternization” with the christian beasts? All these cries for “fraternization” are dubious and bear no relationship with reality and with Hellenism. Hellenism is not going to side with the lobotomy of History and of national memory, in order to get the approval of these professional "helleno-centered" nazarenes.
20. Question: What should we do, to isolate all those demagogues that speak of UFO's, of reconciliation with the christians, of co-existence of Hellenism and christianity? Answer: One of the basic weapons of the nazarene sect against Hellenism are the various “helleno-centered” magazines. People must stop buying them. We have mentioned this issue many times. These specific magazines are the best weapon of the nazarenes. Whatever nazarenes do against Hellas, they attempt to justify it with the use of these magazines claiming that supposedly we are brothers and supposedly we must say “no to division”, so Hellenes, please do sit quietly and remain slaves to the nazarene sect. Everywhere those “helleno-centered” magazines print phrases like “Hellenes and christians live in harmony ready to face the national dangers” and attempt to enforce this label on the Hellenic movement, thus causing the rage of all Hellenes. We must understand that things are very serious. We must persecute ruthlessly this shameless “helleno-centered” gang that speaks of reconciliation with the nazarenes. We must exterminate it from the face of the earth. We have to face the nazarene sect and at the same time, these “helleno-centered” nazarenes who assist the sect to persecute all Hellenes. The views that propagandize these agent provocateurs of christianity are not Hellenic views. If you change the word “helleno-centered” with the word “nazarene”, no difference is observed between them and any hellen-hating christian. Their difference is merely the name they use. Many people have been deceived by them and have been proselytized in christianity by reading these “helleno-centered” magazines. Many people who favoured the Hellenic movement for the restoration of the Hellenic Religion have abandoned it when they read these “helleno-centered” magazines. These magazines speak with such hatred and fanaticism against the Holy National-Liberating Struggle that only the christian orthodox priests can compete with them in the issue of anti-hellenism. All Hellenes must isolate these christian punks that have disguised themselves in a supposedly polytheistic ancient hellenic movement and when they grow stronger they must crash these punks ruthlessly. Only the total separation between Hellenes and nazarenes is the most approved scheme of administration, in a multicultural and democratic society, with mutual respect to each others' borders. Signing agreements, after the definition of the borders, in order to prevent the use of arms and the solution of the national, political and border-related differences with peaceful means is a basic pursuit of the Hellenes that will set in a different level the problem between the Hellenes and the nazarenes. Such agreements will become the steps of progress so that there will be no bloody clashes between Hellenes and nazarenes.
Answers to frequently asked questions
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