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Answers to frequently asked questions The following questions come either from specific persons or are frequently asked so they have been grouped.
1.Question: Is it right to fight against our brother christians? Answer: Of course because this is the order of the Gods. And no reasonable person defies the orders of the Gods. In addition the term christian is not a declaration of nationality. Terms like christian, muslim, communist, capitalist, declare internationalistic anti-national ideologies. Consequently the term christian does not declare nationality. There are christians of german, russian, bulgarian origin; are these too our brothers and we do not know that? Hellen and christian are two concepts mutually exclusive. Of course it is perfectly natural for Hellenes to fight against the nazarene conquerors. This is what Hellenes have been doing for all these centuries under the guidance of the Gods and they are going to stop now? The conqueror and the conquested cannot co-exist. The nazarene conquerors are being fought in a worldwide level. Even more in the country of Light, where the nazarene conquerors have no place. All Hellenes who are slaves to the sect of the nazarenes because of their ignorance, through enlightenment will come back to their Fatherland Tradition. Or else, those Hellenes that will refuse the Hellenic Religion and will co-operate consciously with the nazarene conqueror will be exterminated without mercy.
2. Question: Christianity has a two thousand year presence in Hellas, it is a inseparable piece of our history, can we drive it away? Answer: Even if the nazarene sect was present in Hellas for a million years, the christian plague will be cast into the Eternal Flame of the Gods and the Hellenic Territory will be purified through the Sacred Flame. The amount of time a conqueror is present in an area is not an excuse for its legalisation. Or else we could say that we should not have driven the Turks away because they had become an inseparable piece of the Hellenic History.
3. Question: But shall we fight over Religion now? This way you limit Hellenism. Answer: Such are the words of the enemies of Hellenism who try to disconnect the Hellenic Religion from the Hellenic Civilisation. The Hellenic Religion is the very basis of Hellenism. And Hellenism is not a food recipe for anyone to add or reject any ingredient he does not like. Whoever does not accept the Hellenic Religion, Philosophy, Cosmotheasis, Ethics, Customs, Music, Athleticism, Theater, Science etc. is not a Hellen. Hellen is whoever acts and thinks in the Hellenic way and not whoever carries hellenic genes. Because in that case we should also consider Hellenes the children that were grabbed once by Turks and were brought up to be soldiers of Turks against Hellenes. These too had hellenic genes but did not have Hellenic conscience and culture. Those who limit, demote and identify the concept of Hellen with the hellenic DNA are enemies of Hellenism. They limit Hellenism into the narrow racial and geographical boundaries. Hellenism is a universal and hypernational ideology. It is being adopted by people regardless of race, colour and nationality. The Holy War of Hellenism has to do with the clash of civilisations in a worldwide level and this is why Hellenism is completely indifferent for all those "hellenocentered" kaffirs who cry "but now will we fight over religion? we have other problems now". The louder they scream the greater liars they are, because what really interests them is Hellenism to remain enslaved under the nazarene sect. Whoever tries to spread foreign cultural beliefs into Hellenes and find allies in the orders of some self-proclaimed "gentiles" who have declared that they are not going to defend with arms the Religion, should know that both will be killed without mercy. Whoever disconnects the Religion from the Civilisation and refuses to defend the Religion, insults our ancestors who have suffered all the tortures from the christian beasts in order to defend the Hellenic Religion and the Hellenic Civilisation.
4. Question: Since you say that your Gods punish the profane why don't you take a knife to slaughter them, are you cowards? Answer: Only the infidels and the profane doubt the punishment of the Gods. The criminal must not know who or when will punish him. The criminal must know that he will be punished and that is his own fault. Have faith in Gods, do not provoke them by asking for proofs about when and how they will punish. Gods act in mysterious ways; they will not ask you or me when and how they will punish Their enemies. As far as the punishment of the infidels from human hands is concerned, that is already being done. No profane will escape the human, let alone the Divine Rage. The devout are not to blame for the infidelity of the nazarenes. The nazarenes provoke their punishment with their actions. They provoke the Rage of Gods and men. They provoke the Spirits of the Ancestors. The nazarenes by their own will seek the Divine punishment in order to get purified from their crimes. No one is allowed to prevent the nazarenes from expiation for their crimes.
5. Question: With such things you say, don't you become like those you fight, I mean by fighting the christians don't you become like them? Answer: Who told you that Hellenes want to become like you? Who told you that those who do not fight christianity, by every mean, are Hellenes? The sophism of the identification of methods and intents is used by the instruments of the crucified Beast to convince Hellenes not to fight against the nazarene enemy. Those Hellenes that fell into the trap of not fighting against the crucified Beast, lost their soul and became nazarenes. Whoever does not fight against the nazarene sect is a nazarene. Whoever does not fight against the nazarene sect is an enemy of Hellenism. Whoever is not by the side of Hellenism is against it.
6. Question: Do you believe in fanaticism and hatred against the heterodox? Hatred is a bad thing. Hellenism does not involve hatred. Answer: Hatred for the enemy is the most Sacred feeling. Hatred for the enemy is the most fundamental moral value of Hellenism. Hatred for the enemy keeps the peoples alive. Inversely, the love for the enemy is the feeling that the rapist tries to imbue into his victim’s mind. The love for the enemy is the most lethal feeling. Those nations that do not preserve a high stock of hatred for the enemy, those nations that do not teach their children the history of the crimes of the enemy, those nations are doomed into extinction from the face of the earth. That is why the nazarene criminals in the school books they use in all nations they have enslaved, have removed their crimes so that the new generations do not learn about them. This is how they preserve their tyranny: by softening the hatred of the conquered people. Whoever does not hate the nazarene butcher of Hellenism is identified with the nazarene conqueror. Daily, the people of India pays a heavy blood price to keep its National Tradition, defending itself against the war that Islam has unleashed against it. The existence of human beasts who try to stifle the war insticts of the Hindus, cost to the Hindus hundreds of thousands of victims. They do not allow nor fund Hindu religious schools but they allow and fund Islamic religious schools. The graduates from the Islamic schools are a time bomb against the security of India. Daily the Hindus pay their tolerance for Islam with the loss of thousand of souls and the murders of thousand of men. This is the price they pay for listening to the humanlike beasts who tell them to be tolerant and not to hate their enemy. How much blood must the peoples pay? How many souls must still be lost as a price to the vampires that preach tolerance towards the terrorism of the monotheists? The lives of the vampires that preach tolerance for christianity worth much less than the lives and souls of millions of Hellenes. Let's kill these vampires without mercy.
7. Question: Why should we punish the christians? Their crimes are long past now; reconciliation, unity. Let's forget it all. Answer: The humanlike beasts that preach “reconciliation” with the nazarene conquerors will be killed without mercy. Through the watch word “reconciliation” they propagandize our assimilation from christianity. With feelings like “let's forget it” they urge as to subdue to christianity. The Hellenic Religion and the Hellenic Civilisation will not remain alive in a hostile christian society with concessions, compromises and flirtings with the nazarenes. Only with a tough, armed, bloody struggle that will totally separate the Hellen from the nazarene conqueror will our Religion and our Civilisation survive. Only with the complete separation and the proselytizing of the nazarenes into the Hellenic Religion will we survive as a Nation.
8. Question: These that your Religion says, aren't they against the constitution? Answer: Whoever breaks the Laws of the Gods is a criminal and the sentence is death. No one is allowed to doubt the unmistakable of the Sacred Rules, the orders of the Priests and the decrees of the Church, that is under the guidance of the Gods and is the Logos of the Gods on Earth. The instruments of the crucified Beast battle against the Divine Laws and try forcibly to subdue us to the decisions of the Beast. But they should know that whoever obeys the christian “constitution” is cursed and will be eternally tortured in Hades. If the faith of the man proves strong enough, then the Gods will hear his pleas and will punish the infidels. Else, they will punish the Hellenes for their infidelity. Whoever obeys the orders, decrees and “constitutions” of the nazarenes are murderers of the Fatherland and of themselves. No one will forgive them for this crime. There is no bigger crime for a Hellen than to bow under jeshuah and obey the “constitution” of the nazarenes.
9. Katerina Lempesi: Who are you that will punish the christians? Answer: The Gods act in order to save the disrespectful and not the devout. It is not possible to leave the sick without cure, without warmth and care, just because you hate the humankind and mainly the Hellenes. It is a Sacred duty and privilege of the children of Gods to enlighten the people of all nations. To struggling constantly to save the blind from the darkness. Who are you that will prevent the work of the Gods? Who are you that will prevent the salvation of people from the christian cesspool? If you are an infidel and want to upset the Physical order and the Laws of the Gods this does not mean that people will follow you. Gods always punish with love and kindness in order to admonish us and bring us back into the path of Areti (="of God Ares", the virtuous path of courage, bravery and honour). If they did not, this would mean that they do not care about us. This would mean that they would want evil for us, that they hate us. But no, Gods do not hate us, nor are indifferent to our unhappiness; this is why their punishment always comes from Beings that love passionately the people. Like the parents who see their child to lose its way and punish it in order not to fall into crime. This is exactly what the Gods do, They punish our unlawfulness in order to prevent the worse deeds.
10. Question: Is it right to proselytize people from other religions into the Hellenic Religion? Answer: According to the Sacred Rules of the Hellenic Religion it is illegal to refuse to give light to the blind. It is a crime to keep someone in the dark when you have the power to enlighten him. In the word “proselytize” a negative tone is given by the nazarene sect because it wants to keep the monopoly of proselytism. But in reality only those Hellenes that passionately struggle to proselytize back their fellow people into the one and only true Religion, in the only Truth, are worthy of the Gifts of Gods. Whoever does not fight with passion to preach the Hellenic Religion and proselytize people, he does not believe in Gods. It means that he is an atheist. The Hellenic Religion strictly punishes those who deny preaching the Divine Logos. In addition, the Hellenic Religion intensively requires exclusiveness in Religion and the fighting of any other deception that calls itself a “religion”. Religion is only one: the Hellenic. All the rest constructions are human frauds. Whoever preaches the Religion will be rewarded by the Gods. Whoever refuses to preach it or prevents its spreading will be punished by the Gods.
Answers to frequently asked questions
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